Community Health Institute 2023 Wellness Activities

When:  May 10, 2023 from 06:30 AM to 06:30 AM (ET)

In the spirit of incorporating wellness into the CHI, we will have created new activities that attendees will be able to sign up for between sessions. This is also a great opportunity to meet other attendees, make new connections or allow yourself time to regroup!  See details below on the wellness activities being offered.  You must register though, as some  activities will have limited spots available! See where the activities are within the agenda. 

To register, select the "CHI 23 Activities" registration.  Next you will choose the session/s (activities) you would like to join. 
Registration is open through Tuesday, May 9th, 2023.

This year we have also created a designated restorative space, the Quiet Room, located in Nobska, that all attendees will be able to utilize, as a respite break between sessions and activities. The room will include soft light, aromatherapy, healing circles, meditation, stretching and a variety of reading materials. We welcome you to stop by for as long as needed to relax, reflect, re-energize and rejuvenate. Look for Nobska on the map in our new conference App or within the conference program map when you arrive.

CHI 2023 Conference Program

  • Early morning walks along the beach:Do you enjoy long walks on the beach and admiring ocean views? Join Mass League staff for early morning walks on the beach to get your day started refreshed by the seaside air.
  • Healing Circles:Healing circles are gatherings of individuals who come together to support each other's emotional and spiritual healing. The circle provides a safe and non-judgmental space for participants to share their experiences, feelings, and emotions, allowing them to feel heard and supported. The facilitator guides the group through various prompts and exercises, such as meditation, visualization, or energy work, to help participants release emotional blockages and find greater clarity and healing. Healing circles are used in many different settings, including spiritual communities, wellness centers, and healthcare facilities, and can be a powerful tool for promoting personal growth, healing, and transformation.

    The origins of healing circles can be traced back to ancient indigenous cultures and traditions, where they were used as a way of healing physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds. In these cultures, the circle represents a sacred space where individuals come together to share their stories, connect with one another, and access the collective wisdom and healing energy of the group.
  • Breathing & Meditation: For mind, body and soul balance. Learn some different types of pranayama (breathing techniques) to help relax your mind and body. We will ease into some basic meditation, mindfulness and guided meditation.
  • Sunrise Slow Flow Yoga: A gentle way to start your day moving through yoga postures, paired with breath to wake up our bodies, as we take in the ocean views and ebb n flow with the methodical waves. Bring a mat or we can provide you with one.